Tag: Home Seller

Posted on 11/07/2021
Home Entertainment: How Smart Home Tech Can Increase Your Resale Value
Smart home entertainment integrates home technologies with your favorite big entertainment features. It’s also a practical next step with the rise of smart, integrative technology. But what can it do for your resale value? Should you take it with you, instead? Is it worth the cost? Here are a couple things to consider when integrating a smart home...
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Posted on 04/11/2021
What to Do First: Buying or Selling?
Photo by Mohamed Hassan via Pixabay You’ve decided to sell your home to upgrade or even downsize, but you don’t know whether you should start looking and buy first or wait to sell first. The best-case scenario is to do both, but that takes a lot of planning. If you are sure your credit is good enough to...
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Posted on 01/26/2020
Staging Do’s and Don’ts
Photo by John Wollwerth via Shutterstock No matter how well-intentioned, when it’s time to sell your home taking the advice of friends and family while disregarding the advice of your agent is a recipe for slowing down your home’s sale. Your professional agent knows the current market and what buyers look for. In fact, they may even have...
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Posted on 10/27/2019
Facts to Know About Xeriscaping
As you look for ways to avoid spending a lot of money on your landscape, you need to learn about xeriscaping. In suburban areas, up to 80 percent of the water used for a household goes to preserve a lawn or yard. For those who want to invest in some landscaping but who do not want to maintain...
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